Tiger and learning another language

Recently I have started to learn another language, Japanese. The reasons for this are many including a great respect for the culture and a hope to someday travel to Japan and be able to speak and read the language when visiting. As my language journey is just starting, the process right now is something I am doing for fun and enjoyment at night before going to sleep.

As my lessons take place with my furry feline trio around me, they too have started to learn Japanese and seem eager to gain new knowledge with me. In this process what truly amazes me is many words in Japanese they appear to be understanding and respond too in a similar fashion to the English words they already know.


Tiger’s stare.

Another perk of learning with my furry feline trio has been their ability to help keep me focused if my attention wanders from my lessons. Tiger is especially good at bringing my focus back to my lessons. If I put down my study materials for too long, he turns his head and gives this intense stare as if to say ‘Hey, you said you would only take a five minute break, but that was fifteen minutes ago, get back to studying.’ I can truthfully say that stare never fails to get me back to my lessons.

Rusty is also helping through his responses to various words in Japanese, such as neko (cat) where he looks at Charcoal and Tiger as if trying to decide which one of them is a cat, and his response to tabemasu (eat) where he runs to his dinner spot and looks around for his plate. Charcoal meanwhile has become the relaxing influence, often laying in my lap and helping me stay calm and focused as I start a new lesson or review a previous one.

As my five minute break is almost up, Rusty is bathing is tail, Charcoal is curled up on my pillow and Tiger’s eyes are focused on me. He is reminding me it is once more time to study.

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